Writing Week 7 Term 2

Hello bloggers,

WALT:  use our research to construct paragraphs.

AS you may or may not know that for the last few weeks we have been doing biographies. The first one I did was about Roald Dahl, we didn’t put this on a slide though because we did most of it in our books. You see Miss Ronald had a slide show, and you would all come up with the paragraphs. Then we would try to write our own and inside our books.

When we had fished that we got to choose our own person to do the steps on. First we would do the research the facts, and write these in our books then when we had done all of these boxes, like childhood, career, and awards. You would need to make a copy of the slides and put in your facts, next write these into a paragraph.

I like to learn about these people it has been very interesting.

Well here it is:

The train show

It was an eerie fresh morning and I was coming towards the trains today was a show. But I stopped dead when I saw the trains they were all rusty and old looking. The air whipped around me and made the trains creak and clang and made the trains look like something from a movie! Then someone OR something tapped me on the shoulder… 

I slowly turned around and screamed! In front of me was…was…a … skeleton! ‘Hey what are you doing here!’ I was going to reply but he cut me off in his croaky voice again. ‘I never invited you to my place!’ Then the person coming towards me said ‘ My name is Mr Man, whats yours?’ ‘Don’t play happy talk with me! But my name is Bob.’ I started to speak ‘m..m-my n-name is -r-Rosy.’ ‘r-Rosy I like that name.’ said Bob. ‘Well I am very sad of the way you have treated these trains.’ said Mr Man as he started to cry! ‘Well I don’t want to talk to you any more!’ said Bob angrily. ‘Can you tell us how to get out of here?’ ‘NO! because you will never get out!!’ Well I want to go home thought Rosy. ‘ Well you can’t go home Rosy, and Mr Man you can’t fix one of these trains. ‘How do you know what we are thinking !?!’asked Mr Man. ‘ Well I will tell you if you help me…’ ‘Well we can’t help you.’ said Mr Man. ‘Yes we can! Rosy shouted I want to go home!’ Then suddenly the skeleton started to drive away inside a small vehicle. There was one left and Rosy said ‘After him!’ ‘But I can only drive trains!’ ‘Well I am to young to drive, and I want to go home!’ ‘Well I can’t!’ ‘Fine!’

I give up thought Rosy. A few minutes later MR Man said ‘Okay fine I will drive it!’ And then he hopped in next to Rosy in the driver’s seat and drove off. 


They both saw the other vehicle parked on the grass. And spotted the car. Then they both got out. In front of them was a house, It was made out of brown and red bricks. And had a chimney on top. Green and purple puffs were coming out of the chimney and smelt of something like burnt toast and cookies. They could hear talking inside the house. Mr Man knocked on the door. The talking stopped and the door opened. There stood a man with a long blue clock with stars on. ‘Hello my name is Mr Man and we are looking for a skeleton called Bob, have you seen him?’ asked Mr Man. ‘Yes he just came past and he replied. ‘What’s up with your chimney?’ asked Mr Man rather rudey. ‘WELL I AM A WIZARD! MR SPELLS TO BE CORRECT!!’ 

‘Run!’ I cried and ran to the vehicle. They both got in and started to drive away. The wizard who is Mr Spells started to run after them! ‘Of course he’s a wizard! Blue clock and chimney, also they hate traveling.’ siad Rosy. Then suddenly the car thing made a sputtering noise, and stopped. The wizard was catching up too. ‘Why has it stopped!’ yelled Rosy! ‘The petrol!’ Yelled Mr Man! They both stopped dead when they heard Bob laughing hard! Mr Man looked around he was no were to be seen! Where is he! Thought Rosy. ‘I am invisible, the wizard gave a potion to me for it!’ ‘You will never get home….’

Just then the wizard appeared. ‘You were- ‘AAHH AANN! screamed Mr Man don’t hurt me!’ Then they were suddenly across a river that had bubbled up. Mr Spells jumped back in surprise! ‘How did you do that!?!’ he cried in surprise to Bob. ‘Well I stole a potion from you to do that!’ Then the wizard disappeared and came back. Everything was black! Then Rosy saw eyes looking at her they were cats! The cats started to attack Bob who was trying to fight blackness! Suddenly Rosy felt very light and was spinning around and around slowly. Then she stopped and the lights turned on. She was standing next to Mr Man and Mr Spells while Bob was still being attacked by the cats. ‘Come with me.’ said Mr Spells ‘I am sorry there was no show Bob just wanted to have some servans. Well you can leave now, and don’t come back!’ Then Rosy, and Mr Man walked home feeling confused. 


The end

Writing Swimming week 9 term 1

Hello bloggers,

As you may or may not know this week is swimming week so we had a task board with things to do on it. You had to do the must does first and then you would go on to the can does. The must does were Reading, writing, maths, and winter sport, I have done reading, and this is writing.

For writing you needed to go on to your poetry slides and you would need to make two other poems. To do this you would go on to the writing slides and then you would go to slide 9 and choose two to do. And then you would see how to do it and then put them in your poetry slides.

Well here is mine:


Hello bloggers

Today I am going to show you some writing, this time for writing we have been doing post cards. First you needed to fill out a plan, this had a few questions about your holiday. Then you need to use your plan to write the things that you will write on your post card in your book. Next you would get a piece of card and will right down what is in your book. Then you would make a stamp and do a picture on the back. Finally colour it in and sharply. I have tried to make mine look good.

Well here it is:

The three little pigs

Hello bloggers.

Today we were learning about google docs. (The last few days we have been learning about google things like google docs and the google waffle.) For google docs you needed to watch the video about the 3 little pigs. And you had to write the whole story. But you also had to change important words in your story, like pig and wolf + more!! You could change the words by making them bigger, changing the font, and the colour of them. This has taken me a long time to do because there are a lot of worlds to change.

Well here it is:

Writing Week 9 Term 4

Hello Bloggers, Hannah here today I am going to show you some writing.


This week is swimming week, and so we had a task board with things to do on it, I have finished writing. In writing you got to make a school report on one of your teachers. (I have done Miss Ronald.) To do this first you needed to make a copy of this slideshow, then you would fill out the boxes. There were things like what the teacher was good at, and what they were like. (+ More!!)

I think that this task was interesting, because the teachers make reports about us.

Well here it is:

Writing Term 4 Week 8

Hi bloggers Hannah here to day I am going to show you some writing.

WALT: There’s no WALT.

As you may know or may not know this week we have had a task board with things to do on it. (Because it is swimming week.) And I have done some writing in writing we are looking at persuasive writing.

I have finished my first persuasive text, this was about why we should or  shouldn’t have a 3 day weekend. Since I have finished, I got to choose which one I did next. I have done one about why we should have a longer break time. I have my reasons too I think some are pretty good. First you had to write everything in your book, then you would type it up.

I think that this was fun, and hard because there was a lot to do.

Well here it is:


Writing Term 4 Week 8

Hi bloggers Hannah here, today I am going to show you some writing.

WALT: ?????

Today in writing we were looking at persuasive texts, and you would write if you thought we should or shouldn’t have a 3 day weekend. I think that we should have a 3 day weekend. First you would write down why you thought that we should have a 3 day weekend.

Then you would make these into paragraphs. Next you would write the intro and conclusion, you could research facts. Finally you would type this up.

I think that this was a little hard because there was a lot to do.

Well here it is:

Writing Week 9 T 3

Hi bloggers Hannah here. Today I am going to show you some writing.

WALT: I am not sure.

This time in writing we got to choose from some pictures and then you would get to write about it. I have chosen a hamster in a tin, out at sea. (I will show you a picture.)

You would also then have to write a plan, with the problem and solution. Then you could start to write it in your book. Finally you would type it up on a google doc.

I think that this task was fun, because you got to write your own narrative, and you could use your information.

Well here it is:



Writing T3 Week 6

Hi bloggers Hannah here. Today I am going to show you some writing.

This time in writing we have been , watching a video called where the wild things are.

And what we need to do was in your writing book you needed to write 5, things they might say in problem 1 and 2.

Then you needed to make a pixton (comic maker) with the things that they are saying.

I think that this task was fun, because you didn’t have much to do.

Well here it is: