Maths Week 5 term 2

Hello bloggers,

WALT: bridge through multiples of 10 when adding 2-digit numbers.

Today in maths, we are doing something slimmer to last week. This week and last week we have been learning about bridging numbers. Last week we went on to the interactive whiteboard, then you would make a copy of the doc. Next you would make the bridging thing. And add this in to your doc, then you would blog.

Now lets get back to this week. This week we had to make a copy of the google drawing, then you would do the same steps as we did last week and on the mat. You would add on half of the number and then you would get to an even number, then add on the rest.

I think that this task was a little bit easy because there was not a lot to do.

Well here it is:


Maths Term 1 Week 11

Hello bloggers,

This time for maths we have been learning about roman numbers. To do this first we watched a video all about roman numbers. In this video talked about why people needed the numbers, they needed numbers to count animals and tribes. But they were getting confused about the number zero. Because what was that number so post to look like? They made lots of different versions of numbers then finally made the numbers we use now.

For this task you needed to make a copy of a google doc. Next you needed to click on insert and then table. Then you would make your own numbers up to 20. To get the things to make your numbers you would need to click on insert and then special characters . Then make 10 questions using your numbers you made. Finally put in your maths slides.

Well here is mine:

Maths swimming week 9 Term 1

Hello bloggers,

As you may or may not know this week is swimming week, so we had a task board with things to do on it. The must does were Reading, writing, maths, and winter sport. I have done all of these and blogged them except for maths, so this one is all about maths. I am not going to blog my slides because we still needed to go over the answers for the questions so I probably have some that are wrong.

For maths you needed to go onto your book 4 Friday maths that should be in your drive. And then you would click on the link that would take you to the maths slides. On the slides there were some more questions to answer. You would have to do at least 2 or 3 of these then blog.

Like I said we still needed to go over the answers, for the questions.

Maths Week 9 Term 4

Hello bloggers Hannah here, today I am going to show you some maths.


This week is swimming week, so we had a task board with things to do on it. This time I have finished maths. In maths you needed to get a piece of paper and watch this video. First you needed to write your name (Linked and down the bottom of the page.) Then you would go over this in permanent marker, and copy it on the other side.(use the window.)  Next you would add in things like eyes, nose, feet, stuff like that.

I think that this was fun, because I wanted to see how mine would turn out.

Well here it is:

Maths Week 8 Term 4

Hi bloggers Hannah here today I am going to show you some maths.


As you may or may not know there is swimming this week and we had a task board to do. You needed to blog at least 3 things. In maths you did tessellations, first you would watch the video. Then choose a sheet, and colour it in also blog. But this time I have made tessellations on a wed site. I have changed the colour and found out how to use things. If you want to look at mine on paper then look at a different blog post.

Here it is:

Maths Week 8 T 4

Hello bloggers Hannah here, today I am going to show you some maths.


You might know that this week is swimming week and there was a task board. And you had to at least blog 3 things. And I have done the maths one. This was tessellations first you had to watch a video about tessellations.Then you had to choose a sheet. Then colour it in, and blog. I have done mine on things that are normally outside. Like bushes, trees, flowers, and more!  And I have also done sharpie to make it stand out.

I hope you like it, I think that this was easy because there wasn’t a lot to do.

Well here it is:

Maths Week 6 Term 4

Hi bloggers Hannah here, today I am going to show you some maths.

WALT: Look for patterns in similar calculations.

This time in maths we were learning about money. We needed to look at a Joe’s garage link, then you would pick a meal and a side. Next you needed to go on to the interactive whiteboard, and write down what you what, and the price is. After that you need to write the total price with money.

Finally You need to add on a friend and your teachers, add the total of this all with money. And then add this to your student slide show and blog.

I think that this task was easy, because there was not a lot to do.

Well here it is:

Maths For Money Week 2 T 4

Hi bloggers Hannah here, today I am going to show you some maths.

WALT: use a partitioning strategy to add 2 or 3 digit numbers.

This time in maths as you know we are learning all about money. So on money you needed to, make a copy of this template. It had all of the New Zealand money on it. Then make a new goggle doc, and write down the money price. Next copy how much money you would need on the goggle doc. Finally add this on to your student maths slides, and then blog.

I think this task was a little bit hard, because there were questions like $ 73.00.

Well here they are:

Maths interactive whiteboard T 4 Week 1

Hey bloggers Hannah here. Today I am going to show you some maths.

WALT: Add several multiples of 10.

This time in maths we were looking at money. It was just like the same as last time. But we did it with notes.

Okay so last time on the interactive whiteboard, we used coins. What we did was we made and you needed to click on resources, then go on money. Next you would need to write, 5 equations with only the notes.

(I did not have much room so I had to do 2.)

Finally write how much money it is, and then add it to your student maths slides.

I think this was fun, and easy.

Well here it is:

Maths interactive whiteboard T 4 Week 1

Hi bloggers Hannah here, today I am going to show you some maths.

WALT: Add several multiples of 10.

This time in maths, we were learning about money (the coins.) First we added some of the coins together. Like: 10c + 20c + 50c + 10c, we did lots of these. (They were all different.)

Then we went onto the interactive whiteboard, and you would have to click on resources. Then go on money. Next you would need to write, 5 equations with only the coins. Finally write how much money it is, and then add it to your student maths slides.

I think this task was in the middle, and it was a little fun.

Well here they are: