
Hello bloggers,

WALT: No Walt.

This week in cybersmart we were learning about our blog post comments. And if you have done them right. What I mean by this is if you have hurt their feelings. Because you could say something like ‘Hi you did this well.’ That’s not that good right, because you could say something like you did your create task 1 and 2 so good! It knocked my socks off! But next time could you add this in your create task 3. That’s a good comment compared to Hey you did this bad!

For the task you needed to make a pixton about how comments can hurt your feelings. But first you had to make a copy of the pixton planing sheet, this was a sheet to help you plan your pixton.

I thought that this task was fun because I like to use pixton.

Well here it is: (I will not show you the planing sheet, I will just show you the pixton.)


Hello bloggers,

WALT: No Walt for this task.

This week and last week as you may or may not know Kereu is doing this thing called stand up and breath we did this for 2 weeks on Wednesday. Then next week Ruru is doing it. But the thing is we only did it for half of the time so for the rest of the time we have been doing this:

For cybersmart this week we have done one of the cybersmart challenges. Last week was Samoan language week. But we are doing this task this week instead. For this task first you needed to make a copy of these slides. Next you would watch the videos on this slide. This video is about some of the people who wear or have tattoos that are Samoan.

Then you need to make a google drawing and make you can make your own pattern. You can get some of the clours as well and add these in.

I think that this task was okay, because there was a lot to do.

Well here it is:

Cybersmart Swimming Term 1 Week 8

Hello bloggers,

As you may or may not know that this week is swimming week. So we had a task board with things to do on it. I have blogged reading and writing not maths because on Friday I think we will go through the answers. Those are the must does and I have finished those, so now I am doing Cybersmart.

For Cybersmart you needed to look at the slideshow, the slideshow would tell you to make a copy of a slideshow the same and you would go through all of the tasks that you needed to do. There were things like how to make a screen shot how to make a copy of things and even how to zoom in. You would do those and then you would blog them.

Well here it is:


Hi bloggers.

Today we were learning about things on your google drive like google slides. (We are using google slides today.) In your google slides you need to make your own robot out of shapes. You can use any shapes you like you just have to make a robot. Then after that you could make an animation on google slides about your robot. You could add in speck bubbles and you can move the robots you have made. I have made two robots for mine, and they go get ice cream.

I think that this task was easy.

Well here it is:

All about me poster

Hello bloggers!

Today I am going to show you my first post in 2024!!! Today we were learning about google drawings, and the google waffle. ( That has all of you learning things on.) You had to make a poster about yourself using google drawings. You needed to include your: first name, year, where you come from, favourite animal, favourite food, and what you are looking forward to this year. I have done a cool background, and I have tried to make my all about me look outstanding. I have got all of the information on the slides that you need too.

Well here it is:

Cyber smart T 4 Week 7

Hello Hannah here, today I am going to show you some Cyber smart.

WALT: This is from lots of lessons so there is more than one WALT.

This time in Cyber smart we did lots of these different lessons. For all of them you had to make a copy of this template, you would add 2 questions to it. Then you would make an escape room with the questions in it. There is about 3 lessons or more that I have questions from so it is a little long. I have done a stuck in the box escape room.

On the last lesson on this we add in sound effects, I have tried to add in different ones. I think that this was fun, because escape rooms are fun. I have gotten some feedback and I need to add in some photos.

Well here it is:

Cyder smart escape rooms T 4 Week 1

Hi bloggers Hannah here, today I am going to show you some cyber smart.

WALT: To investigate ways of sharing our knowledge.

WARNING: you can NOT delete ANY of the SLIDES!                                                                                            Or it will not work.

First you needed to find a buddy, I was with Marley.

Then make a copy of this template.  Next you had to pick a topic, like about: History, animals, maths questions, all of the things like that. It had questions that you needed to fill out.

Then after you had done all of that you could try it out!

I think that this task was fun, because it was easy.

Well here it is:



Cyber smart black out poems T 3 Week 10

Hi bloggers Hannah here today I am going to show you some cyber smart.

WALT: To make a blackout poem using google docs.

This time in cyber smart we were learning how to make a black out poem. First you needed to make a goggle doc. Then you would copy some type of story. You would copy the text like this: First Ctrl c it, then when pasting it do Ctrl Shift v.

Then highlight the words that you want to make a poem, with. (High light it white.)  Finally you go up to file. Click on page setup. Then you can change the colour to black. (Click done.) This will make the back round of your doc black. So you can only see the things you have highlighted.

I think this task was fun, because you got to make poems. All thought mine doesn’t make that much sense.

Well here it is:

Cyber smart collaborate effectively T3 Week 7

Hi bloggers Hannah here. Today I am going to show you some cyber smart.

This time in cyber smart we needed to watch a video. I  had a video that was all about how you have a BIG idea, but that means you need a team. 

Then you got into a group that had 1 year 6 year 4 and then year 5. You needed to say what your video was about.Then answer some questions.

Here are the questions.

– Discuss why it is important to be able to collaborate effectively.

– What would your top tips be for other students so that they can collaborate effectively?

Here are the answers to the questions.

Collaboration is when you share your ideas with someone else.

And add one what you know your group should do. You need to listen to other peoples ideas and add on things to it. Say things to people in a nice way. You can also get lots of cool ideas.

Listen to others. If you have a different idea explain why it will not work. 

I think that this task was a little fun and boarding.

Well that is all for today. 

Cyber smart NZ landmarks Week 1 T3

Hi bloggers Hannah here.

Today I am going to show you some Cyber smart work. You would search up google earth, this will take you to a map. You could search up a place we did it in NZ, then you would go to it, this would be a landmark. You could add them to your project. You could move around and see things like people, and zoom in and out.

I think that this task was lots of fun!!