Cyber smart working together T3 Week 6

Hi bloggers Hannah here. Today I am going to show you cyber smart.

WALT: to collaborate effectively.

This time in cyber smart we have been looking at, Smart Collaboration.

You needed to get into a group of 3, I went with Zoey, and Brenna. Then we made a comic plan together. At one part we went away into different places. And chatted to each other, using comments.

Then I have made a comic.

I think that this task was hard, because there was a lot to do.

Well here it is:

Cyber smart challenge T3 Week 5

Hi bloggers Hannah here today I am going to show you some Cyber smart challenge stuff.

This time in Cyber smart challenge we are learning to make quality comments.

We learned what quality comments need in them like some thing helpful, positive,thoughtful, and a question.

Then you needed to fill out a sheet on your Chromebook that has all of the things in a quality comment. And you needed to make sentences with the words.

I think that this task was a little fun and easy.

Well here it is:

I hope you like it