Reading week 9 term 2 Create 1, 2, 3, and fast finishers

Hello bloggers,

WALT: Skim read to locate specific information and retell.

This week I did a book called The Polish Refugee Children. This book was about a girl who was Polish and had to run away from the war with her family. It talks about what happened and what she did. I think that this book was okay because it didn’t have heaps of information in it.

Create task 1: In your reading book write two sentences about a person in your book that you liked. Say why you did, like I like  ______ because………. Then write 5 things about you person like brave, or nice.

Create task 2: Make a copy of the google doc. Then read or watch your supporting texts. Put 2 facts from each in the boxes, and highlight the most interesting fact you learnt.

Create task 3: Make a Canva video and do a short summary about your book. Then read your create task 1 out loud.

Fast Finishers: Draw your faverite charterer from create task 1.

I think that create task 1 was easy because I got it done in like 5 minutes. I think that create task 2 was okay I don’t have anything to add on. I think that create task 3 was okay because I don’t like to read out loud.

Well here it is: (For create task 1 I won’t show you since I will read it out loud in create task 3.)


Hello bloggers,

WALT: No Walt.

This week in cybersmart we were learning about our blog post comments. And if you have done them right. What I mean by this is if you have hurt their feelings. Because you could say something like ‘Hi you did this well.’ That’s not that good right, because you could say something like you did your create task 1 and 2 so good! It knocked my socks off! But next time could you add this in your create task 3. That’s a good comment compared to Hey you did this bad!

For the task you needed to make a pixton about how comments can hurt your feelings. But first you had to make a copy of the pixton planing sheet, this was a sheet to help you plan your pixton.

I thought that this task was fun because I like to use pixton.

Well here it is: (I will not show you the planing sheet, I will just show you the pixton.)

Reading term 2 week 8

Hello bloggers,

WALT: Summarise (In detail) in my own words.

This week I did a story called not just kicking and punching. I is about a boy who explains what he does and why and how and all of the belts, I thought it was very interesting.

Create task 1: You needed to come up with 10 facts from you story, the record these on flip or canva. Also at the start do a short summary of your story.

Create task 2: Chose two pages of your story to read out loud and don’t forget full stops and speak marks and all of that stuff.

Create task 3: Make a copy of the kahoot planing doc and come up with 10 questions, then put those on the real kahoot. (I can’t show you the game but I can show you the planing sheet, it has no right or wrong things next to it.)

I think that create task 1 was okay because I don’t like to record myself. I think that create task 2 was okay because I don’t like to record myself. I think that create task 3 was fun because we don’t do kahoots that much.

Well here it is: (I was a way for Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.)

Writing Week 7 Term 2

Hello bloggers,

WALT:  use our research to construct paragraphs.

AS you may or may not know that for the last few weeks we have been doing biographies. The first one I did was about Roald Dahl, we didn’t put this on a slide though because we did most of it in our books. You see Miss Ronald had a slide show, and you would all come up with the paragraphs. Then we would try to write our own and inside our books.

When we had fished that we got to choose our own person to do the steps on. First we would do the research the facts, and write these in our books then when we had done all of these boxes, like childhood, career, and awards. You would need to make a copy of the slides and put in your facts, next write these into a paragraph.

I like to learn about these people it has been very interesting.

Well here it is:

Reading Term 2 Week 7

Hello bloggers,

This week I did a story called dance animoe. This book is about a girl who is going to perform and all of her family help to make her a cool dress to wear. They make flower bracelets and necklace as well a long with a dress and a top. But at the end they dance and practice from when she performs.

WALT: Summarise (In detail) In my own words.

Create task 1: In your reading book write down 10 inserting facts about your book. Then you can make a flip video recording your facts and  a short summary of you story too.

Create task 2: Making a copy of the sheet you needed to come up with 10 questions from your story. Then you can go on to kahoot and put all of your questions down.

Create task 3: Make a Canva video, and then choose two pages of your book and then record yourself reading this.

I think that create task was okay because I don’t really like to record my self and is was hard to find facts in my story. I think that create task 2 was good because I had lots of information in side my other texts and videos. I think that create task 3 was okay because I don’t really like to record myself on Canva.

Well here it is: (By the way I have done a writing workshop for 2 whole days so I haven’t had a lot of time to do my work. And also for the kahoot I can’t show you the game, so I will show you the questions, and they don’t have answers!!!!)



Hello bloggers,

WALT: No Walt for this task.

This week and last week as you may or may not know Kereu is doing this thing called stand up and breath we did this for 2 weeks on Wednesday. Then next week Ruru is doing it. But the thing is we only did it for half of the time so for the rest of the time we have been doing this:

For cybersmart this week we have done one of the cybersmart challenges. Last week was Samoan language week. But we are doing this task this week instead. For this task first you needed to make a copy of these slides. Next you would watch the videos on this slide. This video is about some of the people who wear or have tattoos that are Samoan.

Then you need to make a google drawing and make you can make your own pattern. You can get some of the clours as well and add these in.

I think that this task was okay, because there was a lot to do.

Well here it is:

Inquiry K-pop dance.

Hello bloggers,

WALT: No Walt for this inquiry.

As you may or may not know this term we are doing art for inquiry. This week we are doing k-pop, first we had to make a copy of the slide show. Then we would have to watch this strange video with people dancing. Next we would watch this other video and practice this.

Create : Then you would make a group of 3 or 4 or 5, and then once you had practice a few times, you would record your self doing this. Next add to your slide show and then you would put this on you blog.

Create 2: For this one you need to watch the videos. Next you would need to make a copy of the Venn diagram and see the difference.

I think that for create 1 I would rather cut off one of my fingers then do the dance. I think that create 2 that it was hard to find the information for.

Well here it is: (I am just going to show you the video but I will change it later so that you can see the slide show that has the things on.)

Reading Term 2 Week 6

Hello bloggers,

WALT: recognise information to gain an understanding of the text and wider world.

This week I did a book called Painting the town. this book is all about the painting that you might see in town. Like how they made them why and when they made them. I have learnt a lot like: did you know that after the earthquake the art gallery was closed to add in some more art that people have made.

Create task 1: First you need to make a copy of the google doc, then find 10 interesting facts to add in. Next you go on to Canva and you can choose how you present your facts. (Video, slide show or poster + more.)

Create task 2: Make a google drawing and then add in what your art would look like if you made it. And under your art you need to add in what you would have to use to make this in real life.

Create task 3: Make a copy of the google doc. (Since you can’t type in it you can do it on Canva any way you like.) Then you go on to the wed site about art. Choose 1 of them and add some facts about this into your Canva thing.

I think that create task 1 was much easier than last week because last week my book was steps so it was very hard to find facts about, but this week my book had lots of information in it. I think that create task 2 was a little hard because I wasn’t to sure how to make it. I think that create task 3 was still confusing because the web site is very confusing.

Well here are my create tasks:

Reading week 5 term 2

Hello bloggers,

WALT: recognise information gain an understanding of the text and the wider world

This week I read a book called bright lights window decorations. This book is not really a book it is steps just steps of how to make these lights that you stick up on your window. And then when the sun shines on to the window it makes it light up. (You need a lot of things to make it.)

Create task 1: You needed to make a copy of a google doc. On this google doc there are 10 bits where you can write facts from your book. Though since my book is just steps I have had to use  scaffolding ,complimentary,and challenge. Then you needed to go on to canva and then you would add your facts on to it. You could do this on a poster, or video, or a slideshow, you can chose.

Create task 2: Make a copy of the google drawing. You need to make a dial piece of your art. (The link wouldn’t work it kept saying page not found. So I had to make it on my own google drawing.)

Create task 3: Make a copy of the newspaper google doc. Next find some information about the other link and then add in the information that you find inserting.

I think that create task 1 was hard because since my book is steps, so there wasn’t that many facts. I think that create task 2 was okay though it was also hard since my book is steps and I wasn’t sure how to make it. I think that create task 3 was very confusing because the doc that you made a copy of you couldn’t write in!!! Also I didn’t under stand the text that you had to read  either because there were a lot of links on it.

Well here it is:


Maths Week 5 term 2

Hello bloggers,

WALT: bridge through multiples of 10 when adding 2-digit numbers.

Today in maths, we are doing something slimmer to last week. This week and last week we have been learning about bridging numbers. Last week we went on to the interactive whiteboard, then you would make a copy of the doc. Next you would make the bridging thing. And add this in to your doc, then you would blog.

Now lets get back to this week. This week we had to make a copy of the google drawing, then you would do the same steps as we did last week and on the mat. You would add on half of the number and then you would get to an even number, then add on the rest.

I think that this task was a little bit easy because there was not a lot to do.

Well here it is: