SLJ Activity 2

Hello bloggers Hannah here today I am going to show you some Summer learning journey.

This time for the summer learning journey you would use an app called mathagon tangram. This was an app where you would make shapes, choose a background, and you could choose the colour of the shapes too. Then you would down load this and use the maths dictionary. You would use the maths dictionary and use words to describe your shape. Then you would blog this.

I think that this task was hard because, I found it hard to make the shapes and describe them.

Here are the worlds about my shape: -It has 4 corners, and 7 shapes.

Well here it is:

SLJ Activity 1

Hello bloggers Hannah here, today I am going to show you some Summer learning Journey.

This time the SLJ was about PAC wally. First you needed to make a copy of one of the templates. One of them was where you would complete PAC wally’s adventure, or you can create your own PAC wally maze. (I have done the one where you create your own.) There was a nearly empty maze that you would fill out, with lines. Then you would add in the PAC wally, and the trail.

I think that this task was interesting because, I don’t know what PAC man is.

Well here it is:

SLJ Activity 2

Hello bloggers Hannah here today ,I’m going to show you some Summer learning journey.

This time in the summer learning journey you would learn about respect. First you would watch a video about respect. Then you would make a copy of one of the templates. There was a poster one or you could make a logo. I have done a poster. There were boxes that you would fill out, one of the boxes you would fill out was the writing box. There were more boxes that you would have to fill out.

I think that this task was easy, because there wasn’t much to do.

Well here it is:


SLJ Activity 1 Week 10 Term 4

Hello bloggers Hannah here, today I am going to show you some Summer Learning Journey.

This time for the SLJ you would watch two videos about shapes in Kiekie. These were a tradition that some people wear. There are three different types of these Kiekie that you can wear. These were double, wedding, and funeral dresses. First you would watch the two videos. Then you would make a copy of this template. That had some Kiekie shapes for it and what you would do is you could finish it off or you can make your own and colour it in if you want to.

I think that this task was fun, because it was interesting to learn about Kiekie dresses.

Well here it is:

SLJ Week 10 Term 4 Activity 2

Hello bloggers Hannah here, today I am going to show you some Summer Learning Journey.

This time in SLJ you got to make these cool patterns that are called summer art of New Zealand artists. You could had two choices, these were you could draw you summer art on paper. There was a video that you could watch to do this. Or you could make a copy of this google drawing, and there would already have the shapes on it. You just had to colour it in.

I have chosen to make a copy of the google drawing. I have made my own colours too. I think that this task was fun, because I like to see what cool colours that I could make.

Well here it is:

SLJ Activity 2 Week 10 Term 4

Hello bloggers Hannah here, today I am going to show you some Summer Learning Journey.

This time for the SLJ you got to make your own music. (Using Groove pizza.) To do this you would watch a video, that would explain  how to use groove pizza. In the video there were things like how to change the shape of them, and different types of things you could make it sound like, and there was more!!

Then when you were done you would watch a video about how to add this in to your blog.

I think that this was cool because, I have never used groove pizza.

Well here it is:


SLJ Activity 1 Week 10 Term 4

Hello bloggers Hannah here, today I am going to show you some stuff from the Summer Leaning Journey.

This time for the SLJ you got to make a comic, with people at the beach. First you would watch a video about comics. Then you would make a copy of this template, it had a comic on it and on the last slide there were things that you could copy and paste to use in your comic. There were things like people, umbrellas, and more stuff that you can use for in you comic!

I think that this task was fun, because I like to read comics.

Well here it is:

Writing Week 9 Term 4

Hello Bloggers, Hannah here today I am going to show you some writing.


This week is swimming week, and so we had a task board with things to do on it, I have finished writing. In writing you got to make a school report on one of your teachers. (I have done Miss Ronald.) To do this first you needed to make a copy of this slideshow, then you would fill out the boxes. There were things like what the teacher was good at, and what they were like. (+ More!!)

I think that this task was interesting, because the teachers make reports about us.

Well here it is:

Maths Week 9 Term 4

Hello bloggers Hannah here, today I am going to show you some maths.


This week is swimming week, so we had a task board with things to do on it. This time I have finished maths. In maths you needed to get a piece of paper and watch this video. First you needed to write your name (Linked and down the bottom of the page.) Then you would go over this in permanent marker, and copy it on the other side.(use the window.)  Next you would add in things like eyes, nose, feet, stuff like that.

I think that this was fun, because I wanted to see how mine would turn out.

Well here it is:

SLJ activity 2: My Enemy!!

Hello bloggers Hannah here, today I am going to show you some Cyber smart.


As you may know this week is swimming week, so we had a task board with things to do on it. This time I have done the 2 Activity, the first was to make your own super hero. The 2 was to make their enemy. You would copy the first step. (That was to write down what it looked like.) You would make the enemy and then you would use one of the comic strips and make a comic with them in it. Their were things that were all ready on the template, like the speech bubbles. ( I had to copy and paste some.)

I think that this was hard, because there was a lot to do.

Well here they are: