Hello bloggers,

WALT:  use our research to construct paragraphs.

AS you may or may not know that for the last few weeks we have been doing biographies. The first one I did was about Roald Dahl, we didn’t put this on a slide though because we did most of it in our books. You see Miss Ronald had a slide show, and you would all come up with the paragraphs. Then we would try to write our own and inside our books.

When we had fished that we got to choose our own person to do the steps on. First we would do the research the facts, and write these in our books then when we had done all of these boxes, like childhood, career, and awards. You would need to make a copy of the slides and put in your facts, next write these into a paragraph.

I like to learn about these people it has been very interesting.

Well here it is:

2 thoughts on “Writing Week 7 Term 2

  1. Kia Ora Hannah!

    I really enjoyed your Biography! It told me lots of information about Alecia!
    She seems like a great person. I loved all the pictures and information!! Great job!

  2. hello hannah this is really good and I like the pictures but maybe next time add more in your paragphs and more information and detail but again that was awesome
    bye bye hannah

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