Hello bloggers,

WALT: No Walt for this inquiry.

As you may or may not know this term we are doing art for inquiry. This week we are doing k-pop, first we had to make a copy of the slide show. Then we would have to watch this strange video with people dancing. Next we would watch this other video and practice this.

Create : Then you would make a group of 3 or 4 or 5, and then once you had practice a few times, you would record your self doing this. Next add to your slide show and then you would put this on you blog.

Create 2: For this one you need to watch the videos. Next you would need to make a copy of the Venn diagram and see the difference.

I think that for create 1 I would rather cut off one of my fingers then do the dance. I think that create 2 that it was hard to find the information for.

Well here it is: (I am just going to show you the video but I will change it later so that you can see the slide show that has the things on.)

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