Reading week 5 term 2

Hello bloggers,

WALT: recognise information gain an understanding of the text and the wider world

This week I read a book called bright lights window decorations. This book is not really a book it is steps just steps of how to make these lights that you stick up on your window. And then when the sun shines on to the window it makes it light up. (You need a lot of things to make it.)

Create task 1: You needed to make a copy of a google doc. On this google doc there are 10 bits where you can write facts from your book. Though since my book is just steps I have had to use  scaffolding ,complimentary,and challenge. Then you needed to go on to canva and then you would add your facts on to it. You could do this on a poster, or video, or a slideshow, you can chose.

Create task 2: Make a copy of the google drawing. You need to make a dial piece of your art. (The link wouldn’t work it kept saying page not found. So I had to make it on my own google drawing.)

Create task 3: Make a copy of the newspaper google doc. Next find some information about the other link and then add in the information that you find inserting.

I think that create task 1 was hard because since my book is steps, so there wasn’t that many facts. I think that create task 2 was okay though it was also hard since my book is steps and I wasn’t sure how to make it. I think that create task 3 was very confusing because the doc that you made a copy of you couldn’t write in!!! Also I didn’t under stand the text that you had to read  either because there were a lot of links on it.

Well here it is:


Maths Week 5 term 2

Hello bloggers,

WALT: bridge through multiples of 10 when adding 2-digit numbers.

Today in maths, we are doing something slimmer to last week. This week and last week we have been learning about bridging numbers. Last week we went on to the interactive whiteboard, then you would make a copy of the doc. Next you would make the bridging thing. And add this in to your doc, then you would blog.

Now lets get back to this week. This week we had to make a copy of the google drawing, then you would do the same steps as we did last week and on the mat. You would add on half of the number and then you would get to an even number, then add on the rest.

I think that this task was a little bit easy because there was not a lot to do.

Well here it is:


Maths term 2 Week 4

Hello bloggers,

WALT: bridge using multiples of 10 when adding.

Last week in maths we were learning about place value and did some stuff on it. We also did a milestone for place value.

Now this week we are learning to bridge numbers. (I don’t know what our number is.) First we did a few examples of it. Then we went off to do it ourselves. What you had to do is go onto the interactive whiteboard, then make a copy of the google doc. Next you would answer the question on the google doc. Then on the interactive whiteboard you would get a blank number line. Then you would go from the number and make a tidy one, you would add on the last bits that are let over.

Finally you would put this on to your maths slides and then blog.

Well you can’t really blog a google doc, so I will just show you my maths slide.


Aboriginal Art

Hello bloggers,

This week as you may or not know we are doing art. There are lots of different art that you would do, you would do a different one each week. For art I am with Miss Lee. In this group we are learning about aboriginal art. This art is from Australia, first you would try out some of the colours for your own. I was doing liberian so i wasn’t here to do the plan part. The next day you go to get a peace of paper. (Black peace or white.) T

hen you would get your pen and go around the shape. Next you would get a cotton bud and go around your shape. Then do the same with 3 or 4 different colours. I have done a turtle, I have also done some sea colours to go with it.Once you have finished your art. You would make a poster about aboriginal art. You can find more information about this on miss lees slides.

Here is my poster:


Reading Term 2 Week 4

Hello bloggers,

WALT: Identify the main ideas in a text.

This week I did a book about someone called AJ Hackett. People say lots of things about him. Like he was the one who made up bungee jumping but that is wrong. He is a person who helped to make bungee jumping. AJ Hackett tested out most of the jumps. He also jumped off lots of different things and wasn’t scared at all!!! AJ jumped off lots of very tall things as well, like the Eiffel tower and a few skyscrapers as well.

Create task 1: Using your book and scaffolding, complementary, and challenge text you need to make a poster on Canva about your person. You can use a fact from each of these texts, and add in two photos of your person.+ a short summary about your book.

Create task 2: On a google doc pick a time that your person might have had to do something, challenging, or maybe they win an award. You would need to add in what they might be feeling and what is happening around them.

Create task 3: On pixton make a comic with something that might of happened to them. Like win something or something that just happens to them. You have to have a least 6 pages, also you can use speech marks to tell what is happening.

Create task 4: Make a copy of the book review. Think about a book that you have read, then fill out the questions about that book.

I think that this week create task 1 was easier this week. Because this time there was more information about my person, so this made it a lot easier to put into a canva poster. I think that create task 2 was still a little hard like last week. Because I don’t know much about what awards they might have been given and what they might be feeling. Create task 3 is okay because my people that I have done from this week and last week are okay, because I can find a time easily. Like when AJ Hackett is jumping off something.

Well here it is:

Reading Term 2 Week 3

Hello bloggers,

Walt: Identify the main ideas in a text

This week I read a book about Sophie Pascoe. She is a famous olympics swimmer. When Sophie was 2 years old her father ran over her with his ride on lawn mower. The injury was so bad so she had to get it amputated. When she was 7 she fell in love with swimming, and started to do it more. Next Sophie started to race against people who had injuries just like her.

Create task 1: Create a Canva poster about your famous person. You must have 4 facts, 2 photos, and a summary about your person. You can get the 3 facts from the texts next to your book. The 4th you can get from your book that you read.

Create task 2: Make a dairy on a google doc about your person. Like in a time they might have gotten a medal, or in a place that they have never been before. Think about what they might be feeling, like made a challenge that they might face as well.

Create task 3: Create a pixton with at least 6 scenes of something that happened to them, like reaching a goal or something that just happened to them. You can use speech bubbles to explain more of what happened.

I think that create task 1 was okay, the thing is when you get the 4th fact it was kind of hard because the book wasn’t that long and didn’t had that much information in them. Create task 2 I think that it was a little hard to come up with a thing that might of happened to them, because my book and texts didn’t have that much on what might of happen to them in a race so I found this hard.  Create task 3 I think that this was okay like I don’t have anything to say.

Well here are my create tasks:


Reading week 2 Term 2

Hello bloggers,

This week for reading I have done Amila Earhart as my story this week. I did her because I have heard that she wanted to fly across the world but that’s all I know, so that is why I am doing her.  She was one of the first women to be a passenger for someone who flew across the world. She made lots of girls/women believe that they can do things just like her. She did try to fly across the world but she diapered in the pacific ocean, and none found her plane/body.

Create task 1: First you need to get a sheet from your teacher. On the sheet it had different boxes. Each one had a question in it, like your famous person’s name, childhood, date they were born, and more. You would write in the answer in each of the boxes. (You get the answers from you book.)

Create task 2: Make a copy of the google drawing. On the google drawing their is two sides. From your famous person last week you would fill out their side then do the same with your famous person from this week. Next you would fill in the middle witch is what they both have in conman.

Create task 3: On Canva you need to make a fact file. (like the one for create task 1.) You would choose what you would be famous for like an artist or an inverter. Also you can change the background to the place that you would be in if you were famous. I got confused on this, because some people said that you did it on your self and others said on your famous person. So I have just do myself, I want to be a famous pet sitter, because I love animals.

Create task 4: Make a copy of the book review. And fill out the questions, you can do any book you want.

I think that create task one was pretty easy, the thing that was hard was when you had to read the whole book about you famous person because they are very long. Create task 2 was okay it was hard to come up with things Walt Disney and Amila Earhart had in comma. Create task 3 was so much, and the thing that was hard was when you had to chose what you were famous for because I don’t know what I would be famous for.

Well here it is:

Reading week 1 Term 2

Hello bloggers,

This week for reading we have been learning about famous people. I have done Walt Disney because I don’t know much about him and I have never been to Disneyland as well.  There was a book about him and it was very long, because it had so much information about him. He was a drawer at the start and lived on a farm. He made cartons and put them in their school newspaper. Walt loved to spend money as well and spent a lot when he, made the first animated movie which was snow white. PS. I was told to only blog create task 3 so their will only be create task 3.

I have found this task fun, because like I said I don’t know much about Walt Disney. I think that I could use more decoration in my canva video next time though.

Create task 1: You need to read your book, and then get a sheet from your teacher. This sheet has on it what day they were born and what their family members are as well. + more!

Create task 2: You needed to watch or read your challenge text. Then make a brain storm, and put the information from your challenge text.

Create task 3: Make a canva with all of your of your information in a video or poster.

Well it is: