Hello bloggers,

As you may or may not know this week is swimming week so we had a task board with things to do on it. You had to do the must does first and then you would go on to the can does. The must does were Reading, writing, maths, and winter sport, I have done reading, and this is writing.

For writing you needed to go on to your poetry slides and you would need to make two other poems. To do this you would go on to the writing slides and then you would go to slide 9 and choose two to do. And then you would see how to do it and then put them in your poetry slides.

Well here is mine:

One thought on “Writing Swimming week 9 term 1

  1. Hi Hannah!!
    I really liked all the different
    types of Poems you made!!
    They are all great!!
    Also my favorite by far is
    your countdown Poem!!
    Good Job Hannah!!!!!!!!!!!

    From Zoey!

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