Reading Week 5 term 1

Hello bloggers,

WALT: skim read to locate specific information and retell.

This time for reading I was doing a book called nobody laughed. Nobody laughed is about a class who come back from holidays and all have the same green bag. Then the teacher says ‘Just don’t mix them up.’ Then the care taker came and he took then all down because he thought that today would be a good day to fix the broken hooks. So they have to open all of the bags.

Create task one: Is to get a sheet from your teacher and fill it out, then write a summary about your story.

Create task two: Chose a character from your story and make a poster about them on a google drawing. You can add information about your person.

Well here it is.


Hello bloggers

Today I am going to show you some writing, this time for writing we have been doing post cards. First you needed to fill out a plan, this had a few questions about your holiday. Then you need to use your plan to write the things that you will write on your post card in your book. Next you would get a piece of card and will right down what is in your book. Then you would make a stamp and do a picture on the back. Finally colour it in and sharply. I have tried to make mine look good.

Well here it is:

Reading term 1 Week 4

Hello bloggers.

WALT: skim read to locate specific information and retell.

We started to do reading yesterday we had to read the book first then we had to do Scaffolding, Complementary, and challenge text. Next we went down on the carpet and we read the book with Mrs p, and that was the end of reading. Next we talked about the create tasks then you would go off to do them.

Create task 1: Do the story map first, and then you need to write a summary of your book.

Create task 2: Make a poster about a character using google drawings.You can use shapes and colours to make your character.

Well here they are:

The three little pigs

Hello bloggers.

Today we were learning about google docs. (The last few days we have been learning about google things like google docs and the google waffle.) For google docs you needed to watch the video about the 3 little pigs. And you had to write the whole story. But you also had to change important words in your story, like pig and wolf + more!! You could change the words by making them bigger, changing the font, and the colour of them. This has taken me a long time to do because there are a lot of worlds to change.

Well here it is:


Hi bloggers.

Today we were learning about things on your google drive like google slides. (We are using google slides today.) In your google slides you need to make your own robot out of shapes. You can use any shapes you like you just have to make a robot. Then after that you could make an animation on google slides about your robot. You could add in speck bubbles and you can move the robots you have made. I have made two robots for mine, and they go get ice cream.

I think that this task was easy.

Well here it is:

All about me poster

Hello bloggers!

Today I am going to show you my first post in 2024!!! Today we were learning about google drawings, and the google waffle. ( That has all of you learning things on.) You had to make a poster about yourself using google drawings. You needed to include your: first name, year, where you come from, favourite animal, favourite food, and what you are looking forward to this year. I have done a cool background, and I have tried to make my all about me look outstanding. I have got all of the information on the slides that you need too.

Well here it is: