Hello bloggers Hannah here, today I am going to show you some maths.


You might know that this week is swimming week and there was a task board. And you had to at least blog 3 things. And I have done the maths one. This was tessellations first you had to watch a video about tessellations.Then you had to choose a sheet. Then colour it in, and blog. I have done mine on things that are normally outside. Like bushes, trees, flowers, and more!  And I have also done sharpie to make it stand out.

I hope you like it, I think that this was easy because there wasn’t a lot to do.

Well here it is:

One thought on “Maths Week 8 T 4

  1. Hi Hannah,
    I like all the colours . I think it looks cool because of all the pictures . I like the hard work you have put into it.

    From Cooper

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