Maths Week 8 Term 4

Hi bloggers Hannah here today I am going to show you some maths.


As you may or may not know there is swimming this week and we had a task board to do. You needed to blog at least 3 things. In maths you did tessellations, first you would watch the video. Then choose a sheet, and colour it in also blog. But this time I have made tessellations on a wed site. I have changed the colour and found out how to use things. If you want to look at mine on paper then look at a different blog post.

Here it is:

Maths Week 8 T 4

Hello bloggers Hannah here, today I am going to show you some maths.


You might know that this week is swimming week and there was a task board. And you had to at least blog 3 things. And I have done the maths one. This was tessellations first you had to watch a video about tessellations.Then you had to choose a sheet. Then colour it in, and blog. I have done mine on things that are normally outside. Like bushes, trees, flowers, and more!  And I have also done sharpie to make it stand out.

I hope you like it, I think that this was easy because there wasn’t a lot to do.

Well here it is:

Writing Term 4 Week 8

Hi bloggers Hannah here to day I am going to show you some writing.

WALT: There’s no WALT.

As you may know or may not know this week we have had a task board with things to do on it. (Because it is swimming week.) And I have done some writing in writing we are looking at persuasive writing.

I have finished my first persuasive text, this was about why we should or  shouldn’t have a 3 day weekend. Since I have finished, I got to choose which one I did next. I have done one about why we should have a longer break time. I have my reasons too I think some are pretty good. First you had to write everything in your book, then you would type it up.

I think that this was fun, and hard because there was a lot to do.

Well here it is: