Writing Term 4 Week 8

Hi bloggers Hannah here, today I am going to show you some writing.

WALT: ?????

Today in writing we were looking at persuasive texts, and you would write if you thought we should or shouldn’t have a 3 day weekend. I think that we should have a 3 day weekend. First you would write down why you thought that we should have a 3 day weekend.

Then you would make these into paragraphs. Next you would write the intro and conclusion, you could research facts. Finally you would type this up.

I think that this was a little hard because there was a lot to do.

Well here it is:

PBAL Week 8 Term 4

Hello bloggers Hannah here, today I am going to show you some PB4L.

WALT: There is no WALT.

As you may know this week is swimming week, and we had a task board with things to do on it. I am blogging my 2 one. In PB4L you had to watch a video called you, me, and empathy. It was about this girl who showed empathy by helping people up, making them feel better, and more!!

Then you would make a copy of a y chart, and write down what empathy sounds like, looks like, and feels like. Then blog.

I think that this task was easy because there wasn’t a lot to do.

Well here it is:

Reading Week 8 Term 4

Hi bloggers, Hannah here. Today I am going to show you some reading.

WALT: There’s no WALT.

This time in reading there were different groups going swimming, and we had a task board with things to do. And you had to finish 3 things and blog them! I have started with reading, in reading you needed to watch a video this was about a kid who wants to design his own school.

Then you had to make a copy of this template. and you would design your own school. There were things like rules, and what furniture, what the school looked like, you could even design your own uniform, but there is more!!!

I think that this was fun because you could design your own school.

Well here it is: