Hello bloggers Hannah here, today I am going to show you some reading.

WALT:show a developing understanding of ideas across the texts.

This time on Monday I picked a story called look listen swim. It is about a teacher called Papa Asa, and he teaches 3 kids how to swim freestyle. But first they had to do it on the ground, they did not think that this would help them. When they finally got into the water they find that this has helped them a lot.

Create task 1: Using a google doc do a summary of your story.

Create task 2: Make a poster on Canva and record yourself reading your story, make a background for this too. By the way my recording is a little glitch.

Create task 3: Make a Pixton with a person breaking 3 rules, for the beach or a swimming pool.

I think that this task was a little hard, because there was a lot to do.

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