Maths T 3 Week 7 Types of triangles

Hi bloggers,Hannah here. Today I am going to show you some maths. I haven’t showed you much maths.

WALT:Classify and name types of triangles.

First we watched a video all about triangles. The robot said a lot of information about triangles. He asked things like do you know how many triangles there are? ( I have learned a lot. There were triangles like the equilateral, isosceles, scalene, and right angle. 

Then we needed to fill out a piece of paper with the triangles, you needed to name them all.

Next you needed to make a canva poster using one page with all of the diffent triangles on it. My teacher siad that these would go up on the wall.

Finally you needed to put this on your student maths slides.

I think that this was easy the 1 and 2 parts.But the poster was a little hard, because you could only use 1 page.

Well here they are:


Reading T 3 Week 7

Hi bloggers Hannah here. Today I am going to show you some reading.

WALT: Evaluate ideas and information in a narrative text.

On Monday I picked a book called no more cats. This book is about a stray cat who stays around, the door of a house. But the Dad doesn’t need or want a cat. So he has to earn his trust, so he can take it to the SPCA. But it does not go as planned.

Create task 1 was that you needed to make a copy of a google doc. On this google doc it had beginning, build up/ middle, problem,solution,and ending. Then there was some questions that you needed to answer. Like who are the main characters?

Part 2 of create task 1 was you needed to rewrite/new Solution/Ending, in the doc.

Then for create task 2 you needed to interview the main charter. You needed to ask questions and say what they might answer. THESE NEED TO BE PART OF YOUR BOOK!

And finally fast finishers. You needed to make a pixton, with the talking in your interview.But sadly pixton isn’t working so you needed to do this in, your reading book.I have had time for this.

I think that this was a little hard but easy at the same time.

Here is Create task 2



PB4L T 3 Week 7

Hi bloggers Hannah here. Today I am going to show you some PB4L. I haven’t showed you much PB4L.

WALT:Recognise others emotions and what zone they are in.

This time in PB4l we watched a video. It was about the Incredible’ s having dinner. It was funny if you look at the kereu site you can watch it.

Then we needed to make a copy of a sheet. It had the zones like yellow,red,green,and blue. You needed to write down who it was what zone, and why they felt like this.

I think that this task was funny (the video.). I think it was fun and easy.

Well here it is:

Cyber smart collaborate effectively T3 Week 7

Hi bloggers Hannah here. Today I am going to show you some cyber smart.

This time in cyber smart we needed to watch a video. I  had a video that was all about how you have a BIG idea, but that means you need a team. 

Then you got into a group that had 1 year 6 year 4 and then year 5. You needed to say what your video was about.Then answer some questions.

Here are the questions.

– Discuss why it is important to be able to collaborate effectively.

– What would your top tips be for other students so that they can collaborate effectively?

Here are the answers to the questions.

Collaboration is when you share your ideas with someone else.

And add one what you know your group should do. You need to listen to other peoples ideas and add on things to it. Say things to people in a nice way. You can also get lots of cool ideas.

Listen to others. If you have a different idea explain why it will not work. 

I think that this task was a little fun and boarding.

Well that is all for today. 

Cyber smart working together T3 Week 6

Hi bloggers Hannah here. Today I am going to show you cyber smart.

WALT: to collaborate effectively.

This time in cyber smart we have been looking at, Smart Collaboration.

You needed to get into a group of 3, I went with Zoey, and Brenna. Then we made a comic plan together. At one part we went away into different places. And chatted to each other, using comments.

Then I have made a comic.

I think that this task was hard, because there was a lot to do.

Well here it is:

Writing T3 Week 6

Hi bloggers Hannah here. Today I am going to show you some writing.

This time in writing we have been , watching a video called where the wild things are.

And what we need to do was in your writing book you needed to write 5, things they might say in problem 1 and 2.

Then you needed to make a pixton (comic maker) with the things that they are saying.

I think that this task was fun, because you didn’t have much to do.

Well here it is:

Reading T2 Week 6

Hey bloggers Hannah here. Today I am going to you some reading.

WALT: Recognise the features of some common text types.

On Monday I picked a book called the builders pet. It is about a cat who needs an owner, and finds the perfect  on! A builder call Archie.

This time in reading your 1 create task, was to fill out a sheet that what are the charters, setting, problem, solution, ending, and middle. Then you needed to make a pixton with the problem and solution.

Create task 2 is there is a picture you need to make a story about them, and do a plan.

Then if you finish all that you need to do what the problem and solution is from the complementary text. And 3 facts from the challenge text.

I think that it was a little hard because there was lots to do.

Well here they are:


Cyber smart challenge T3 Week 5

Hi bloggers Hannah here today I am going to show you some Cyber smart challenge stuff.

This time in Cyber smart challenge we are learning to make quality comments.

We learned what quality comments need in them like some thing helpful, positive,thoughtful, and a question.

Then you needed to fill out a sheet on your Chromebook that has all of the things in a quality comment. And you needed to make sentences with the words.

I think that this task was a little fun and easy.

Well here it is:

I hope you like it

Reading Week 5 T5

Hi bloggers Hannah here today I am going to show you some reading.

WALT: Recognise the features of some common text types.

On Monday I picked a story called The Goldilocks story. It’s about how the big bad wolf got into the story? Well that’s what the story is about.

Create task 1 was to fill out a sheet that what are the charters, setting, problem, solution, ending, and middle. Then you needed to make a pixton with the problem and solution.

Create task 2 if you need to watch a video with no worlds and on your Chromebook to say what you think they are saying.

Then create task 3 is you need to make a popplet with complementary video you need to write down what the problem and solution were and facts from the challenge text.

I think that this task was hard because there was 3 and there was the pixton.

Well here they are:


Maths T3 Week 5

Hi bloggers Hannah here today I am going to show you some maths. I haven’t showed you much maths.

WALT:Round to the nearest 1000

In maths this time we are learning to round to the nearest 1000. We had a sheet on paper that we needed to fill out. Then using the interactive whiteboard you will use a blank number line and write down your answers.On the top of the blank number line you would put the number and, then on the bottom you would put the number that you have rounded it to.

You would also need to put this on your student maths slides.

I think that this task was a little bit hard at first but then I got the hang of it. I think that it was hard because the numbers could be a little hard.

Well here it is: